"People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals?" . . . No
"People who like Eating Tasty Animals"? . . . No
"Prince who likes Eating Tasty Animals?" . . . YES!

In an interview with the Danish magazine Ud&Se, the 72-year-old Prince Consort of Denmark, Prince Henrik, a Frenchman by birth, who happens also to be the Honorary President of the Danish Dachshund Club, has stated that he has enjoyed eating dog meat since the time he spent growing up and studying in Vietnam. He invited Danes to try eating dog meat themselves. "I do not mind eating dog meat at all," he said.

"The dogs I eat have been bred to be eaten anyway, just like chickens. . . Dog meat tastes like rabbit. Like dried baby goat. Or perhaps - I know! - like veal. Like the veal of a baby suckling calf, only drier. He said the meat tasted best when it was sauteed or grilled and cut into thin slices.

As if this weren't enough, the Prince owns several dachshunds and, despite publishing a cookery book called Ikke Altid Gaselever (Not Always Goose Liver), has even published eulogies to them.

A book of Prince Henrik's poems, in which he praised his dogs, was published last year. A poem to his dachshund Evita compares her paws to 'wings.' "I love to stroke your coat and to see how it shines/ You dear, you special dog..../ You receive me with papal pride."

Since the prince's admission in the magazine Ud&Se, Danish newspapers have reopened their files on a royal dachshund that disappeared from Amalienborg palace, Copenhagen, in the early 1990s. Despite a countrywide search, it never reappeared.

By the way, the Prince also recommends that parents raise their children using techniques of dog training.

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